Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The mindfulness on aggregates

Nonself of thoughts' constructions.
How one attached to thoughts' construction? When one want to do something on the consciousness he remembered. For example: He remember he want to download some music later.
How one detach from thoughts' construction? when one want to do something on the consiousness he remembered and moves in line of 8 foldnoblepath. He contemplates, "Is listening songs a right intention, since it contradict nekkhamma-sankappa (intention of renunciation)?" Knowing that, he stop doing it. He purifies one thought and he understand how such thought won't penetrate his consciousness again forever.

Nonself of feelings.
How one attached to feelings? Example: He hears a song and he carries tendency tone with it (more to like it, more to dislike it, more neutral about it).
How one detach from feelings? He sees his like-feelings and let them alone without proliferate actions on it, he sees dislike-feelings and let them alone without proliferate actions on it, he sees neutral feelings and let voices of his intuition arrives without proliferate actions on it.

Nonself of apperception.
How one attached to apperception? Example: He hears part of a song, and he want to repeat same pleasant feelings he remembered by listening it till finish.
One one detach from apperception? He hears part of a song and he doesn;t interested to repeat same experience. Other example: He learns buddhism and doesnt interested to dedicate himself only as a teacher, but continue it till he become a Buddha.

Nonself of consciousness.
How one attached to consciousness? Example: He has some wrong view that happens because have to follow traditions or local ethics, and he deliberately proliferate on it through mind, speech, deeds (even "right view is wrong view if it doesnt include the noble truth of life which says one must leave the life/Nibbana" - said the Buddha in Mahaparinibbana Sutta).
How one detach from consciousness? He has views about himself and life, wether it is right and wrong, he unlearn (mastering learning) all by meeting the end of noble path (fourth jhana) with the beginning of noble path (right understanding of cessation of consciousness), through right awareness/satipatthana.

Nonself of earth element.
He watch flesh and doesnt interested to proliferate on it, like to have a girl, to have children, etc.

Nonself of water element.
He watch water and doesnt interested to proliferate on it, like having only tasty water, etc.

Nonself of wind element.
He watch wind and doesnt interested to proliferate on it, like must live with air conditioner etc.

Nonself of fire element.
He watch his body metabolism and doesnt interested to proliferate on it, like must have supplemen, too depend on meat, too depend on vegetarian food, etc.

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